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What to do if your period late
Yoga for bringing on your period
Sometimes it feels like your PMS is building up forever… Your period is late and you can’t wait for the release. Of course, a late period can have many reasons which we’ll get into later. But the waiting game for your period can feel like a time bomb.
Period pain is not normal
I know people get triggered by this statement because how many of us have not suffered from period pain? With menstrual cramps, achy backs, fatigue and just feeling really crap?
What to do during the luteal phase?
The to-do list for the luteal phase Clearing out the clutter in our minds and in our physical space is the perfect thing to do in the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle. Get done with the emails in your inbox. Respond and declutter or delete. Need to clear out your cupboard or wardrobe? This where is the sharp (and sometimes critical) energy of pitta dosha can be beneficial. The nostalgic softness of kapha dosha and oestrogen is reduced.
3 breathing techniques for endometriosis
I am convinced yoga and breath-awareness can help endometriosis or certainly support managing pain during endometriosis flare-ups. I wrote about it in my blog during endometriosis awareness month.
In the blog I mentioned breathing. And that is what I want to focus on in this post.
Reusable pads for a sustainable period
Reusable period pads and panty liners. With a discount code…
Periods pants and organic period products
Seriously, period pants are just such a great invention. They are so easy to use and they feel very secure
Vaginal steam: how to do a yoni steam at home
Pelvic steams (as I like to call them) have been done in many cultures across the world. There are other forms of pelvic application of herbs too of course. Fumigation/smoke is commonly used today in both ayurvedic and Chinese medicine as well as other traditional cultures.
Yoga during the menstrual cycle – yes or no?
Not doing any exercise on your period? Or do you carry on as usual?
Menstrual cup and period pants
It’s fine because we are cyclical beings. And just like the seasons change and day becomes night so is our menstrual cycle a cyclical changeable cycle. Ebb and flow…
Abundant ovulation
Springtime is when everything starts to grow, to flourish and bloom. In our womb, this happens after the hibernation time of winter, the shedding of the uterine lining and blood.
The monthly release
Well, our period is not the only event during our cycle. Throughout the month hormones are changing and we do not yet understand the full extent as to how these changes affect us
Premenstrual Pitta Powers
Fire is about determination, focus, clear-sighted, ambition… We get hot-headed, less patient, and the fire of Pitta Dosha may make us feel more critical, angry and irritated. In excess, it is what we think of as PMS or premenstrual syndrome
Periods and the moon cycle
Our periods (literally “interval of time” or “repeated cycle of events”) are connected with the moon. From the new moon to the full vibrant moon. Waning to the dark before it once again fills up. A journey that takes about 28 days. Just like our menstrual cycle. Or our lunar cycl
Vaginal Steam: What is it all about and where to do it?
Women use herbal steams for many reasons: reproductive complaints, menstrual cycle issues, pms, fertility, postpartum healing, stress, low libido and general womb wellness.