What to do during the luteal phase?
The to-do list for the luteal phase
Clearing out the clutter in our minds and in our physical space is the perfect thing to do in the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle. Get done with the emails in your inbox. Respond and declutter or delete. Need to clear out your cupboard or wardrobe? This where is the sharp (and sometimes critical) energy of pitta dosha can be beneficial. The nostalgic softness of kapha dosha and oestrogen is reduced.
Perhaps it’s time to clarify what you want to engage with in your relationships, in your workplace or in your business. What has expired and is no longer supporting you or your business? Where and with whom do you want to spend your energy?
What happens in the luteal phase?
The luteal phase is just after ovulation and before your period.
In my book ‘Teaching yoga for the menstrual cycle - an āyurvedic approach’ I talk about how the luteal phase is great for looking at technique and alignment. To focus, see clearly and clarify.
You might also be interested in my new on-demand online workshop about Natural Cramps Management in THIS online workshop:
The softness and loveliness of both oestrogen and kapha dosha have dropped. Pitta is the fire of getting things done and focusing - when in balance. So in the luteal phase, we can truly look at precision in our yoga practice and beyond… because yoga isn’t just about the yoga poses - it’s about how we approach daily life.
Cycle syncing with the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle
How do you feel during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle? How do you experience this specific cycle (because it can change from cycle to cycle)?
How you experience the different phases of the menstrual cycle is your individual guide. There is also a difference between the early and late luteal phase though as the hormones shift through this time of the menstrual cycle. And in āyurveda the doshas change too.
We harvest, we focus, we clarify and we declutter so we are ready for the new cycle.
If we consider the luteal phase as a time when pitta dosha increases. It corresponds to the waning moon and the “inner autumn”. Looking at these energetics of the menstrual cycle, it’s the perfect time to clear out. We harvest, we focus, we clarify and we declutter so we are ready for the new cycle.
Too much heat in the luteal phase
The hormones and doshas change through our menstrual cycle which is natural. We are cyclical beings. However, if you feel excessively irritated, hot (in temperature and in your emotions), critical, frustrated and annoyed (typical PMS) you may have a pitta imbalance so it’s important to find ways to move and transform that energy through the month too. It’s all about balance.
Enjoy the qualities of balanced heat. Igniting your inner fire, radiance and brilliance.
Encourage a cool calm mind with routine and a steady awareness. A sattvic energy of knowing when embracing the rajasic energy of doing and the tamasic energy of inertia. This is also applicable if you experience some of these hot tendencies during perimenopause and postmenopause.
I share more about this in my book Teaching yoga for the menstrual cycle - an ayurvedic approach.
And check out the Natural Cramps Management in THIS online workshop
Join my new on-demand online workshop about Natural Cramps Management in THIS online workshop: