Three people who inspire me right now
They are completely different and yet very similar.
An artist, designer, writer, teacher, and Tarot Reader. A non-dual lineage holder of Vedic tradition of India and ayurvedic teacher. And a record executive, record producer and general inspirational person.
The Artist and mystic
I discovered Sarah Faith Gottesdiener, the owner of Moon Studio, on Instagram sharing her lunar insights and inspirations. An artist and a mystic. She inspires me to be a clear channel (also the name of one of her highly recommended workshops). A clear channel can be interpreted in many ways.
My channel is my writing and sharing yoga. Whether emails, blog/social media posts or my expression of yoga classes. Some emails may be pure information sharing: Extra classes, workshops and class changes. But much of what I share in my writing and in my classes is me opening up to whatever needs to come through. It can be inspiration from what I read, study, my own practice and life. From your feedback and your requests and how the flow and energy are in the class. It’s about being in flow. And the inspiration will be expressed.
So I am a channel and my offerings are also my channels.
I am in the process of being present to listen and to allow inspiration. Not just doing and overanalysing. Not feeling like I “should” do certain things as a business. The overwhelm and information overload on how to be yogipreneur or girl boss, SEO and social media algorithms and how to market oneself.
It is through her workshop on being a Clear Channel I am igniting the simple joy of writing (like I do right now) and expression through yoga.
If you want to join the September Clear Channels workshop use code: ANJACC23! $50 USD off full-cost enrollment until August 15th at 11:59 pm PT
The Vedic spiritual teacher
Acharya Shunya came into my life through her Vedic teachings and as an ayurvedic teacher. Through her, I also learn to be an open channel. An open allowing for the Divine. For the Goddess or Shakti. To be still and surrender to Her. As an intellectual concept, this is easy for me. I get it. The devotion, and Bhakti, I feel. The practice is a less easy Path. I am shedding the constraints of being a practical sensible and (in some ways) sceptical no-nonsense Dane. And my need for some kind of control…
Yet throughout my life, I have been leaning into the feeling, the knowing of the Great Mystery. I have always been a seeker.
I remember when I first went to India I secretly hoped to find a mystical enlightened teacher who could offer guidance (or perhaps more accurately tell me what to do with my life!!!). Obviously, that didn’t happen.
I was also far too sceptical. When my fellow travellers got into the yoga teachers, ashrams, gurus and Reiki Masters I wanted to submit myself too. But I was, and am, too sceptical. Some scepticism in these kinds of landscapes has proved to be a good idea considering the reports of abuse of power in some ashrams and of certain teachers. (Including one of the Swamis in a yoga ashram where I spent several months).
Many of the local people I met were also Christian or Catholic. Not the exotic Hindu my young naive self had envisioned. And perhaps those experiences were in fact, my teachers.
Me travelling India back in 1998 - when there were no iPhones and photos were taken with an actual camera… So a photo of a photo of me in Madurai.
You may wonder why a Dane living in the UK is attracted to Hindu teachings of Deities, to Shakti. I could also be involved in Nordic mythology, or Norse paganism, which I love and am inspired by too. Or the Celtic. Or the teachings of Jesus. But that’s it. The Great Mystery, The Divine, God, Mother Nature, has many facets and expressions. And in non-dualism we may connect to these Gods and Goddesses, Saints, Sages and Prophets yet the Divine dwells within.
The spiritual teachings are always a Path… There is always another layer of understanding and another layer to apply. Or another layer to let go of. And this Path of Shakti, the Divine, the Great Mystery and being a clear channel for Her is one that I am allowing more of in my life.
The unexpected producer of inspiration (and music)
Rick Rubin, a record executive, record producer and co-founder of Def Jam Recordings, says:
“Our work embodies a higher purpose. Whether we know it or not, we’re a conduit for the universe. Material is allowed through us. If we are a clear channel, our intention reflects the intention of the cosmos.“
His inspiration or words may be for artists - whether musicians or sculpture or writers. Or any creative channel for experiencing and expressing Life as it unfolds. And how we choose to express ourselves and our art.
Through him, I am also learning to be a clear channel. To connect with the Divine and let Her speak through me. I am learning to allow. I am allowing stillness so I can listen. Not to the noise of the World but to Truth.
It’s about coming back to innocence so we can express ourselves in our Truth. Shedding the layers of shoulds and of how we have learned to be and how we have learned things should be done, how I choose to express my yoga classes, workshops and lectures. What if I stripped away how it should be done or how I (and everybody else) usually do it? What would it look like?
How do I participate in Life, in my passions and relations - without the shoulds?
The teachings of distraction
There are distractions too. Although the above are my teachers and inspirations currently there are also other influences. Influences that aren’t for me.
I never felt I was comparing myself with other yoga teachers, social media feeds or people in general. But I do. Just not the obvious ways.
I am aware that I look at Instagram and think… Ohh I could do that too. Or that’s a great idea; maybe I should participate in that course or training. Or I could do those kinds of posts as well… Could, could and could…
There are influences that aren’t helpful. At all. Yes, social media also inspires me. I found great friends, colleagues and teachers there. But we have to be discerning. Especially when one chooses to be part of these channels. I choose to be part of Instagram because I also enjoy it. I love beautiful photography, architecture, interior design, nature, dogs and memes. There are many inspirational posts that I enjoy. And yes it’s a “business” choice too for sharing my channel of yoga and ayurvedic inspirations.
This is what I am sitting with at the moment, surrendering to being a clear channel, allowing and being open.
I’ll finish with another quote from Rick Rubin:
“For now, allow space for magic to enter”.
Magic, Mama Ocean, Mother Nature and just being by the sea. This is a space for magic to enter…