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Being a clear channel
As self-employed one-person business, how are you navigating and sustaining your love and passion which is your business and your dharma? How do you make it sustainable and keep it authentic?
I am not in a rush!
It feels like there is an epidemic of rushing. Of rushing to get as much done as possible. Rushing to do it as quickly as possible so we can rush to do even more.
For a long while “I am not in a rush!” has been my mantra. I am in the recovery of the addiction of being busy being busy (yes, you read that right).
menstrual cycles and beyond
I have always been interested in female health and well-being. Our place in a patriarchal world where the male is the ‘standard’. I have been curious about our cyclic nature, the changes and cycles we move through and our sensuality.
Perimenopausal symptoms and approaches?
What are the signs of perimenopause?
Hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings are well-known symptoms of perimenopause. We have heard the stories of people in perimenopause struggling with anxiety, low moods, and depression too. Irregular periods, heavy periods and changes to your menstrual cycle. Low libido and dryness in general as well as vaginal dryness are other perimenopausal complaints.
Top sustainable yoga brands
My favourite sustainable and ethical yoga brands
At the time of writing I am wearing some of my favourite sustainable and ethical brands. And as I get asked about yoga brands, yoga clothes and yoga outfits I wanted to share.And I’ll add an extra ethical brand as a bonus.
Grieving process
We often think of grieving when a loved one pass on. Death.
But we also grieve friendships that have changed. A work situation that is no more. How things used to be. We grieve when we move from a place we loved or let go of treasured possessions. Changes in our health or our body.
Spring cleanse
Spring brings warmth and light. And kapha starts to melt. We may experience spring colds or hay fever with runny noses and eyes.
Energetically we are also lighter and brighter. The days are lighter and brighter - for longer.
It’s the perfect time to clear out and bring in new intentions.
A current of love-energy
Recently we have been connecting to our central channel.
Not just our physical spine or spinal cord. But also what we can perceive as the Sushumna nadi, or channel. The energetic channel associated with the spine or perhaps simply an energy through the centre of our being.
It is also a way for us to notice where we are in our energy and in our body.
3 breathing techniques for endometriosis
I am convinced yoga and breath-awareness can help endometriosis or certainly support managing pain during endometriosis flare-ups. I wrote about it in my blog during endometriosis awareness month.
In the blog I mentioned breathing. And that is what I want to focus on in this post.
Best ethical sustainable yoga wear
(And I have a discount code for Wellicious)
In the new Wellicious Yoga Collection, even the elasticity is composed of a new type of biodegradable elastane classified as Europe’s only ‘non-eco-toxic. And all fabrics used in the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Wellicious Yoga Collection are safe for biodegradation.
Is yoga nidra the answer to anxiety?
Does yoga nidra help anxiety, stress and sleep?
Yoga nidra has been said to help sleep, anxiety, stress, menstrual complaints and self-esteem amongst other things. And research* confirms that yoga nidra can improve our physical and emotional wellbeing.
Endometriosis and endo awareness month
Endometriosis support with yoga and ayurveda
This month is endometriosis awareness month. Endometriosis or endo is a painful condition affecting about “1 in 10 women and those assigned female of birth of reproductive age in the UK suffer from endometriosis” according to Endometriosis UK.
Essential oils + Aromatic superpower
Smell Is Your Superpower! That’s the thing; aromatherapy and essential oils can go beyond our rational doubting, anxious or overthinking mind.
CBD oil for vaginal dryness?
Since my post ‘Feeling Dry? Let’s talk vaginal dryness’ is one of my most read and popular posts I thought I’d do some investigation. In the name of research and for your (and mine) pleasure!