Warrior Yoga Flow

Get on the mat

You asked for inspiration to do a bit of home practise. Not a full class but still get moving.

So, here is a 30 minute session for you. We embrace the Warriors (Virabradasana 1,2,3) to create strength, balance and stability. All in a flow that end by a short relaxation to get grounded.

First here is part of his story:

Virabhadra is an incarnation of Shiva. Shiva and his consort Sati was in love. But it wasn’t an easy love story. Sati’s father Daksha did not approve. You see, Shiva was the wild child: matted hair and dreadlocks, smoking bhang, covering himself with snakes and dance like a madman. Living in a cave in deep meditation and kept company with “foul spirits”.

However, Sati loved Shiva and they lived happily together. One day Daksha invited Sati only to a great sacrifice. But he didn’t want Shiva there. Sati was upset and angry. She went along to the sacrifice. Her father continued to insult her husband and Sati got incensed. In her rage she went into the sacrificial fire letting it destroy her. She would rather burn and only be reborn to a father she could respect.

You can imagine the rage and grief Shiva felt when heard the news. He went to get Sati’s corpse. But Shiva was unable to contain his grief for the loss of Sati, and carrying her half-burned corpse, he walked around like a crazed man, until the body began to rot and pieces of it fell off. The places where the parts of Sati’s body fell are known as the Shakti Peethas in India. They are 51 powerful temples constructed to the divine feminine.

Enjoy the flow with the dedication and devotion – just like Shiva!


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This is for the ladies – yogini post