Celebrating the Sisterhood PERIOD

As we embrace going with the flow of life us ladies are also learning to go with the flow of our bodies. Literally.

Everything in life cyclical. Planet Earth spins around it self over a 24 hour period, it takes a year to orbit the sun and so we have our 24 hour clock, twelve months and our seasons. And while a woman is menstruating she is experiencing her very own cycle.

Most of us are busy with our lives, work, relationships, social life… And being on the flow is just not very convenient. Neither are the cramps, the aches, pains, headaches, the mood swings etc. Some of us choose to stop the natural flow by taking the birth control pill. This completely changes your natural hormonal cycle and the bleeding is not an actual period. You can even choose to take the pill without the break and so have no bleeding at all. All very tempting. But I am trying to embrace the natural flow and here is what I found aside from an excuse to eat lots of chocolate:

In Ayurvedic medicine there is cleansing technique, part of Panchakarma, called Rakta Mokshana. This is bloodletting, a therapy that has been practiced in most early medicinal system including the ancient Greek, Mayan and Egyptian medicine systems. One of the great Ayurvedic sages Vagbhata included Rakta (blood) as a Doshaalong with Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Many Pitta, skin, liver, spleen and menstrual issues are thought to be a vitiation of Rakta. If we clear out the ‘toxic’ blood and let the body renew the blood we can create balance. This practise has been done with leeches or small cuts and even with syringes.

Blood takes nutrients including oxygen to all the cells in the body as well as carrying any toxic materials back to the internal organs, like the lungs and liver, to be cleansed.

Women have this blood cleanse occurring naturally every month. A natural Rakta Mokshana. Embrace it!

So, as with any other time when we are cleansing or detoxing it is a time to nurture ourselves and take it just a little slower.

If you have the luxury to have spend this time to reflect, go for gentle walks in nature and have a loved one cook for you (yes, even cooking is to be avoided as your Prana is releasing downwards and away – when cooking your Prana should really be directed to the food). Most of us have to proceed with our regular day to day lives but perhaps we can spend less time running around, have the shopping done before and not organising any big social events.

What about your exercise, yoga and meditation? Again take it easy, perhaps enjoy some more restorative yoga practises. Some teachers and yoginis are strictly resting during this time. If you choose to practise be gentle. The general advice is to avoid inversions. Apana Vayu (the downward flow of Prana) is naturally descending and we want to let the body follow its natural movements – or flow.

We will all experience this time differently. Vata ladies will most likely have scanty irregular periods. There might be anxiety, insomnia, restlessness and ache in the lower back and legs. Hot and fiery Pitta women will experience a heavier flow with a brighter red colour. There may be sharp pains and a sense of anger and irritability. Kaphagirls can experience heaviness in their bodies, tiredness, swollen breasts and water retention. Dull pains and nausea are other period issues for the Kapha girl. The flow is moderate. We may experience a mixture of all these elements in our cycle so trying to find a balanced way to live and flow with life is really what Ayurveda is about.

Back to the chocolate… Chocolate is never recommended in Ayurveda however milk is nourishing, the taste is sweet, and the quality heavy so if you are experiencing Vata issues maybe it is not too bad?

Ayurvedic Guide:

Ayurveda believes everything is made out of five elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. These elements manifest into three principles or Doshas called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Here is a short guide to some of the qualities of theDoshas:

Vata (space and air): Mobile, dry, rough, light,Movement of thoughts, communication, mind

Pitta (fire and water): Hot, sharp, light, Metabolism, courage, ambition

Kapha (earth and water): Heavy, slow, dense, static Contentment, strength, stability

July 10, 2012


The right to defend ourselves and claim back our power
