The Yogic way of improving life and keeping resolutions.

Did you make a list of New Year’s resolutions for 2012? Have you already broken a few? Perhaps you have given up because who actually keeps their resolutions?

A new year is a perfect time to let go of the old and useless habits and invite the new year and new opportunities into our lives. We already have rituals in our culture for making this transition: We stay up until midnight, watch the fireworks, maybe celebrating with friends and family, dancing, enjoying specially cooked meals and drinking champagne. In Denmark where I grow up we would stand on a chair at midnight so we could literally jump into the new year.

With this collective energy of new beginnings let’s make the most of it.

Most of us have heard about positive affirmations, authors such as Louise Hay, Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham), and the writers behind ‘The Secret’ all teaching us that our thoughts can become our reality. Much like we wish our New Year’s Resolutions to become.

In the ancient science of yoga this resolve is referred to as a Sankalpa. A Sankalpa is a resolve, intention or the planting of a seed which grows and becomes reality. It’s a statement for how you truly want to live your life, your aspirations and spiritual conviction.

The intention of: “Every day in every way I am getting better and better.” by Emile Coue is a popular guide for living our life. But it may be more specific such as “I always sleep well and wake up refreshed”, “I am healthy and have a perfect weight” or maybe very deep such as “God, give me enough so that I can give to others”. Perhaps your Sankalpa is to find your Sankalpa!

You can have a lifelong Sankalpa, a statement you try to live by or a few mini Sankalpa. But you word it, visualise or feel it as if it is already happening.

In the tradition of Swami Satyananda, of the Bihar School of Yoga, a Sankalpa is stated at the beginning and end of a Yoga Nidra practise (a specific yogic sleep where body and mind rest completely). But you may set your intention at any time; as you go to sleep and as you wake up, before a meditation or yoga practise or any other ritual you choose practise.

Let the Sankalpa be an inspiration and a dedication for your inner divine nature – your Truth. Connect to your inspiration or resolve and allow yourself to let go of resistance and stay open for new opportunities. Going with the flow of life and your true divine being.

Happy New Year!

First published on May 6, 2012


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